Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sumpter Parent Club Meeting Minutes

Hello Everyone~ Just a reminder that our next Parent Club meeting is Tuesday April 14th at 4pm in the library. Childcare is provided. We look forward to seeing you there. We are still looking for individuals to fill next years executive board in the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.



Sumpter Parent Club Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2015

Welcome and Introductions- in attendance: Michelle Muth, Deanna Tornow-Satrum, Johnny Deblock, Alicia Matson, Faith Branson, Melissa Stinson, Brittany Springer, Jessica McAllister, Kim Rasca, Karen Macedo, Peggy Mischke, Susi D’Anna, Chris Cain

Approval of February Minutes- Faith Branson motioned to approve the February 2015 minutes. Alicia Matson seconds the motion. Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report- Johnny Deblock reported that the PTC made $15,680 from the off-site auction with expenses being $5000, the PTC netted $10,600. A BIG thank you to Michelle and Jennifer and all of he volunteers that helped make the auction a HUGE success!! Awesome Job!

By-Laws-Attached are the bylaws with the necessary changes made to allow the PTC to become a non-profit organization as well as the new money handling procedures.

Nominations for PTC Board- At this time, the PTC will be taking nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer for next school year, these nominations will be presented at the next meeting in April.  Please keep this in mind if you or someone you know may be interested in joining the board. For any questions, please email Michelle or Jennifer at

Committee Reports- Off-site Auction:  The Off-site Auction went extremely well and brought in more funds for our school. Thank you to our generous families!!

Campbell’s Soup Labels/ Box tops: Mrs. Harrison’s class won the Box Top Contest! They will have a pizza party soon. Congratulations! Another contest is in the “works” and will be announced later.

Soc Hop/Basket Raffle: The Soc Hop/Basket Raffle has been moved to Friday, May 29th. The PTC is still in need of a committee to plan this event, especially with gathering items for the baskets from each classroom and putting them together, as well as to coordinate the food to serve.

Alicia Matson reported that she did look at different vendors to serve food and had narrowed it down to three vendor choices that she presented at the meeting. There is a $100 set up fee for whichever vendor is chosen. The vendors, “G Gourmet”, “Sample This BBQ” and “Deanies Wienes” are a part of the Food Truck Association in Salem and after reviewing each of their menus and discussing which vendor to use, it was decided to inquire which one would be available on May 29th and then go on from there.

There were also ideas that were discussed about making the basket raffle “easier” to manage as well as which DJ to use for the actual Soc Hop. Brittany Springer was going to check in with last year’s DJ (her father-in-law) to see if he would be available again this year.

Calendar- Conference Meal: “Mr. Cain’s Potato Bar” is scheduled for March 18th for the teachers to enjoy and volunteer requests for bringing food items have gone out on Sign up Genius already. Thank you to all of the parents who signed up for this event!

Teacher Appreciation: The committee will meet in early April to discuss the details for this very fun week.

School Report- Mrs. Prats reported that the few “big things” that are happening right now is preparing for full day Kindergarten to start this fall. Kindergarten registration did start on February 17, 2015. There is an expectation of 72 students that could be attending Kindergarten this fall and Mrs. Prats is encouraging parents to register their children early so that accurate numbers of students can be counted.  There is a possibility that new staff may need to be hired to fill some of the positions for this new change, so having those accurate numbers will help in being able to potentially hire new staff. There is a scheduled “Kindergarten Open House” scheduled for May 13, 2015 at 5:00pm.

Mrs. Prats also reported that beginning next school year there the current EGC classroom will be changing to a classroom for students in K-2 grade that have Autism. She reminded everyone that students will not be placed into classrooms until August so other changes may not be announced until then.

Teachers are getting ready for Smarter Balance Testing to begin after Spring Break. Testing is scheduled to begin April 16 for the children that are in grades 3rd-5th. All of the children will be following a schedule that will allow them to work in both of the computer labs to complete their tests. There will be messages on the school website as well as auto-dial calls will go out as reminders.

Volunteer Opportunities- Yearbook: Faith, Mandy, Toni, and Denise were all able to meet and go over yearbook details on how this school year’s year book will be created.

Fund Requests- Mrs. Morgan requested approximately $2,000.00 for the entire 4th grade to attend a field trip at Stauffer Farms. Kim Rasca motioned to approve this request and Melissa Stinson second the motion, Motioned approved.

Mrs. Platz requested $500.00 for the 5th grade OMSI field trip. Deanna Tornow-Satrum motioned to approve this request and Alicia Matson seconds the motion. Motion approved.

A request was put in for $400.00 for the second graders to attend the Gem and Mineral Show in Rickreall. Jessica McAllister motioned to approve this request and Melissa Stinson seconds the motion. Motion approved.

Other Business- Johnny Deblock reported that he will need approximately $400.00 for the IRS application fee to change the PTC to non-profit status. Deanna made the motion to approve spending up $500.00 for any fees associated with the PTC changing their status to non-profit. Alicia Matson seconds the motion. Motion approved. Johnny also reported that at the next scheduled meeting in April, the PTC will have to approve the bylaws with their necessary changes and the new money handling procedures.

Meeting adjourned at 5:05pm.-

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 4:00pm.

Submitted by Deanna Tornow-Satrum


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